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Searching By Tag: kc21

Type School Year Title | Description | Tag Date Uploaded Category
Fall Enrollment 2021 by Grade & Place of Residence for Catholic Schools School Year 2021-22

2021 Fall Enrollment by grade and community of residence for Catholic Diocesan Schools.

#non-public #catholic #private #kc21 #kidscount

2/23/2022 11:45:52 AM

Adjusted 4 Year Cohort Graduation Rates for 2019-20

Graduation, dropout, GED/Other, retention rates by race/ethnicity, students with IEP, LEP, economically disadvantaged students, gender, CTE, minority subgroups, homeless, foster care, alternative learning program and parent in armed forces active duty status.

#dropout #infoworks #kidscount #kc21 #infoworks

9/30/2021 2:47:35 PM

Adjusted 5 Year Cohort Graduation Rates for 2019-20

Graduation, dropout, GED/Other, retention rates by race/ethnicity, students with IEP, LEP, economically disadvantaged students, gender, CTE, minority subgroups.

#dropout #infoworks #kidscount #kc21 #infoworks

9/30/2021 2:47:26 PM

Adjusted 6 Year Cohort Graduation Rates for 2019-20

Graduation, dropout, GED/Other, retention rates by race/ethnicity, students with IEP, LEP, economically disadvantaged students, gender, CTE, minority subgroups.

#dropout #infoworks #kidscount #kc21 #infoworks

9/30/2021 2:47:14 PM

2/17/2021 5:28:55 PM

2/17/2021 5:28:44 PM

Home Schooled Students 2014-2021

Number of home schooled students by community, as of Oct1st

#kc21 #kidscount

2/11/2021 12:28:48 PM

2/11/2021 11:59:24 AM

Days Absent Special Report for 2019-20

Total days absent, by type of absence, # truant, by grade level, State # of students absent by days absent, lunch, lep status, by grade level, State # of students absent by days absent, lunch, lep status, for Grades K-03, State Total days absent, by type of absence, # truant, by grade level, by districts # of students absent by days absent, lunch, lep status, by grade level, by districts # of students absent by days absent, lunch, lep status, for Grades K-03, by districts Total days absent, by type of absence, # truant, by grade level, by schools # of students absent by days absent, by grade level, schools

#excused #infoworks #kc21 #truancy #unexcused

11/24/2020 5:02:19 PM

Student Mobility, Stability Rates 2019-20 by Schools, districts

Student Mobility, Stability Rates by Schools, districts, aggregate days of membership, total enrollment, # enrolled and exited during the school year

#mobility #stability #enrollment #membership #infoworks #kidscount #kc21 #cda

11/24/2020 5:00:14 PM

Student attendance rates, by schools, districts and State for 2019-20

Student attendance rates, by schools and districts and for the State, by building levels

#kidscount #infoworks #infoworks #kc21

11/24/2020 4:56:53 PM

11/24/2020 4:56:46 PM

October 2020 Public School Enrollment By Grade

October 1st public enrollment counts by grade, schools and districts

#october #grade #infoworks #kc21 #cda

11/17/2020 4:37:39 PM

Student Membership Data for In$ite/UCOA PPE Calculations for 2019-20

LEA ADM/ADA summary LEA ADM/ADA summary by resident community ADM/ADA summary by resident community by LEA LEA ADM/ADA summary by grade, race/ethnicity, LEA ADM/ADA summary by resident community by grade School ADM/ADA summary School ADM/ADA summary by residenty community School ADM/ADA summary by grade School ADM/ADA summary by resident community by grade

#cda #infoworks #kc21 #lunch #municipality #october #program

10/29/2020 11:13:46 AM