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Financial Data Dashboards

Dashboard Group School Year Title | Description | Tag Date Uploaded Category
LEA Financial Infographic

This one-pager summarizes each LEA's key financial metrics and performance indicators. It is designed for quick reference and easy understanding, offering a snapshot of the most relevant data points without overwhelming detail. This tool is helpful for stakeholders who need to grasp an LEA's financial status and trends.

8/2/2024 2:59:54 PM

Resource Allocation Dashboards

This set of interactive dashboards allows users to explore how LEAs allocate resources between the schools in the District. The first dashboard examines whether districts allocate resources progressively, that is, whether schools with larger share of economically disadvantaged students have higher per pupil expenditures. Subsequent dashboards dig in deeper on how each LEA allocated monetary resources and staff between schools and how it relates to student demographics, student outcomes, source of funds, and assessment outcomes

5/6/2024 9:51:40 AM

UCOA LEA Budgets (FY25)

This dashboard identifies the LEAs that have submitted their 23-24 Budget Only file to RIDE as required by R.I. Gen. Laws § 16-2-9.4. For those LEAs that submitted a budget file to RIDE, users can explore and download their detailed budget information disaggregated by the UCOA segments.

#dashboard #ucoa

7/7/2023 3:29:13 PM

COVID Relief Federal Funds Reimbursements by LEA

This dashboard displays the allocation and reimbursements of COVID Relief Federal Funds in Rhode Island. Users can select the COVID Relief Fund (CARES - ESSER, CRRSA - ESSER II, ARP -ESSER III, etc.) to view the allocation amount, reimbursement amount, and percentage reimbursed for every LEA in Rhode Island.

5/12/2023 2:23:45 PM

LEA Financial Profiles FY23

RIDE developed financial profiles for each LEA to comply with the requirements of RIGL 16-7.2-8. The LEA financial profile is a four-page interactive report customized to every district that includes high level information about the characteristics of every district (including a set of outcome measures) and an in-depth analysis of the finances. The primary objective of these financial profiles is to provide useful information to LEAs and the public about the source and use of financial resources.

#dashboard #ucoa

2/8/2023 3:47:44 PM

UCOA Data Exploration Tools

This interactive set of dashboards allows users to explore historical UCOA data by the different segments of the UCOA string. Users can run and export detailed analyses by selecting the locations of interest (LEAs, Schools, or other District Locations) and filtering by the UCOA segments (object, function, program, etc.).

#dashboard #ucoa

2/8/2023 3:45:16 PM

UCOA LEA Budgets

This dashboard identifies the LEAs that have submitted their 22-23 Budget Only file to RIDE as required by R.I. Gen. Laws § 16-2-9.4. For those LEAs that submitted a budget file to RIDE, users can explore and download their detailed budget information disaggregated by the UCOA segments.

#dashboard #ucoa

2/8/2023 3:17:37 PM