Type | School Year | Title | Description | Tag | Date Uploaded | Category |
October 1st Enrollment Headcount State 2012-2025
by grade, race/ethnicity, gender, free/reduced lunch, EL, IEP, Immigrant, Title1 and Charter status. #charter #ell #enrollment #gender #grade #iep #immigrant #lunch #october #race #race/ethnicity #title1 |
10/31/2024 2:57:07 PM |
9/18/2024 3:34:22 PM |
Student Membership by Program Eligibility Status
membership by program by LEAs, by district community residence, by LEA by district community residence, by district community residence by LEA, by schools, by school by district community residence membership by program by district community residence for CT centers #adm #homeless #iep #lep #lunch #membership #program #sec504 #title1 |
9/16/2024 9:13:18 AM |
October 1st Enrollment Headcount State 2012-2024
by grade, race/ethnicity, gender, free/reduced lunch, EL, IEP, Immigrant, Title1 and Charter status. #charter #ell #enrollment #gender #grade #iep #immigrant #lunch #october #race #race/ethnicity #title1 |
11/2/2023 3:15:01 PM |
Student Membership by Program Eligibility Status
membership by program by LEAs, by district community residence, by LEA by district community residence, by district community residence by LEA, by schools, by school by district community residence membership by program by district community residence for CT centers #adm #homeless #iep #kc24 #lep #lunch #membership #program #sec504 #title1 |
11/2/2023 12:03:09 PM |
State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report (SPP/APR)
State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report (SPP/APR) - Under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 (IDEA), states are required to report the progress of students with disabilities in important areas of performance. #dashboard #iep #sped |
1/12/2021 12:45:00 PM |
EOY Student Membership by Lunch, ELL and IEP, by LEA 2011-15
student membership by free/reduced lunch, ELL and IEP, and by grade levels, by LEA for last 5 years #adm #membership #lunch #ell #lep #iep |
11/19/2015 2:23:26 PM |
Special Education Counts by District and Disability - December 2011
December 1st counts by district, by disabilities #disability #sped #iep |
10/23/2012 1:00:19 PM |
Special Education Counts by District and Disability - December 2010
December 2010 district counts by disability. #disability #sped #iep |
3/1/2011 11:30:04 AM |
Special Education Counts by District and Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) - December 2010
December 2010 district counts by Least Restrictive Environment (LRE). #lre #sped #iep |
3/1/2011 11:29:57 AM |
Special Education Counts by District and Disability - December 2004
December 2004 district counts by disability. #disability #sped #iep |
8/17/2010 4:08:24 PM |
Special Education Counts by District and Disability - December 2009
December 2009 district counts by disability. #disability #sped #iep |
2/3/2010 2:49:58 PM |
Special Education Counts by District and Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) - December 2009
December 2009 district counts by Least Restrictive Environment (LRE). #lre #sped #iep |
2/3/2010 2:49:50 PM |
Special Education Counts by District and Disability - December 2003
December 2003 district counts by disability. #disability #sped #iep |
3/19/2009 2:36:07 PM |
Special Education Counts by District and Disability - December 2002
December 2002 district counts by disability. #disability #sped #iep |
3/19/2009 2:35:53 PM |
Special Education Counts by District and Disability - December 2001
December 2001 district counts by disability. #disability #sped #iep |
3/19/2009 2:35:40 PM |
Special Education Counts by District and Disability - December 2007
December 2007 district counts by disability. #disability #sped #iep |
2/10/2009 12:56:04 PM |
Special Education Counts by District and Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) - December 2007
December 2007 district counts by Least Restrictive Environment (LRE). #lre #sped #iep |
2/10/2009 12:56:00 PM |
Special Education Counts by District and Disability - December 2008
December 2008 district counts by disability. #disability #sped #iep |
2/10/2009 12:18:13 PM |
Special Education Counts by District and Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) - December 2008
December 2008 district counts by Least Restrictive Environment (LRE). #lre #sped #iep |
2/10/2009 12:18:06 PM |
Program Eligibility Status by ADM for School Year 2007-08
Student membership by program status for entire school year #enrollment #iep #lep #lunch #sec504 #immigrant #voced #kidscount #infoworks #infoworks #kidscount |
12/24/2008 9:48:36 AM |
12/31/2007 10:56:11 AM |
1/18/2007 10:50:24 AM |
Revised End-of-Year Program Enrollment 2005-06 - v.3.1
Revised reporting based on latest updates submitted by Chariho. #enrollment #iep #lep #lunch #sec504 #immigrant #voced #kidscount #infoworks |
11/27/2006 2:24:57 PM |
Revised End-of-Year Program Enrollment 2005-06
Revised reporting based on latest updates submitted by E. and N. Providence, Newport. #enrollment #iep #lep #lunch #sec504 #immigrant #voced #kidscount #infoworks |
11/6/2006 3:35:53 PM |
Graduation Rates for Students with Disabilities - 2004-05
Graduation Rates for Students with Disabilities - 2004-05 #graduation #accountability #iep #infoworks |
3/1/2006 4:22:00 PM |
Students Enrolled in Special Education by District and by Age, 2004-05
The number of students enrolled in special education, by district, by age, as of June 30, 2005. #sped #iep #kidscount #age |
2/9/2006 9:55:27 AM |
Students Enrolled in Special Education by Age, by Disability, and by District, 2004-05
Number of students enrolled in special education by age, by type of disability, and by district, as of June 30, 2005. #sped #iep #kidscount #disability #age |
2/9/2006 9:55:13 AM |
Special Education Graduation Rates, 2004-05
Graduation rates for students with IEP. #graduation #dropout #rates #iep #sped #kidscount |
2/7/2006 4:44:15 PM |
Students Enrolled in Special Education by Program Continuum and by District, 2004-05
The number of students enrolled in special education by program continuum and district, as of June 30, 2005. #sped #kidscount #program #iep |
2/7/2006 4:30:15 PM |
Students Enrolled in Special Education by District and by Disability, 2004-05
The number of students enrolled in special education, by district and primary disability, as of June 30, 2005. #sped #iep #kidscount #disability #infoworks |
2/7/2006 4:30:07 PM |
October 2005 Public School Pre-K Enrollment with IEP
October 2005 Public School Pre-K Enrollment with IEP #october #enrollment #pre-k #iep #kidscount |
2/2/2006 3:49:47 PM |