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Searching By School Year:

Type School Year Title | Description | Tag Date Uploaded Category

9/8/2011 4:10:56 PM

2/18/2011 9:50:03 AM

Technology Literacy Assessment Results, 8th Grade

PRELIMINARY REPORT: This report was generated before the end of the overall assessment window. Assessment-wide aggregate data represents scores for all students who have been scored up to the time of generation but not for all students for this assessment.

#assessment #literacy

9/8/2010 2:33:44 PM

8/23/2010 4:21:14 PM

NECAP Science Disaggregated Data for Grade 11

for 2008-09 testing year by student demographics and program status. please download fileID 25423 for layout and instructions.

#achievement #performance #kidscount #infoworks #cda #kidscount #infoworks

8/23/2010 4:21:07 PM

NECAP Science Disaggregated Data for Grade 8

for 2008-09 testing year by student demographics and program status. please download fileID 25423 for layout and instructions.

#achievement #performance #kidscount #infoworks #cda #kidscount #infoworks

8/23/2010 4:21:00 PM

NECAP Science Disaggregated Data for Grade 4

for 2008-09 testing year by student demographics and program status. please download fileID 25423 for layout and instructions.

#achievement #performance #kidscount #infoworks #cda #kidscount #infoworks

8/23/2010 4:20:53 PM

Students Held Back/Retained for 2008-09 by School

by grade, race/ethnicity, gender, lunch status, ell status and special education status, and by prior year retained status.

#retained #retention #infoworks #kidscount #kidscount

8/5/2010 9:11:55 AM

Postsecondary Enrollment of R.I. High School Graduates: 2004-2008

# and % of high school graduates enrolled in postsecondary institutions within 16 months after high schools; # and % finished at least one-year credit within 2 years of enrollment in IHE after high school

#postsecondary #graduate #college #ihe

7/22/2010 2:44:11 PM

Report Card Data - 2009, Accountability

AYP Index Scores, Targets, Target Met/Missed for all schools, district and the State. For actual published reports, please visit: http://www.ride.ri.gov/ or http://www.eride.ri.gov/

#ayp #infoworks #infoworks

5/11/2010 1:35:35 PM

NECAP Fall 2009 Disaggregated Data for Grade 6

for 2009-10 testing year by student demographics and program status. please download fileID 24978 for layout and instructions.

#necap #achievement #performance #kidscount #infoworks #cda #kidscount #infoworks

3/15/2010 3:18:32 PM

SAT Math, Reading and Writing Scores by District - 2009

average reading (vmean), math (mmean) and writing (wmean) scores by districts

#reading #writing #infoworks #cda #kidscount

2/2/2010 2:59:51 PM

SAT Math, Reading and Writing Scores by Schools - 2009

Average SAT readding (vmean), math (mmean) and writing (wmean) scores by schools

#reading #writing #infoworks #cda #kidscount

2/2/2010 2:52:19 PM

English Language Learners

who are enrolled in ESL or bilingual education, by district, grade, lunch status, race/ethnicity and by home language

#lep #ell #esl #bilingual #infoworks #kidscount #kidscount

2/2/2010 11:06:13 AM

Students Held Back/Retained for 2008-09 by District

by grade, race/ethnicity, gender, lunch status, ell status and special education status, and by prior year retained status.

#retained #retention #infoworks #kidscount #kidscount

2/2/2010 11:00:14 AM

Public School Dropouts by District

by grade, gender, race/ethnicity, LEP, lunch and IEP status.

#dropout #infoworks #kidscount #infoworks #kidscount #cda

1/29/2010 3:34:11 PM

Cohort Graduation Rates - 6-year cohort for 2009

Cohort graduation, dropout rates by NCLB groups (race, ethnicity, students with IEP, LEP,economically disadvantaged students, gender), see - https://www.eride.ri.gov/exitsupdate/QA%20Cohort%20Graduation%20Rates%206-10-08.pdf

#dropout #infoworks #kidscount #kidscount #infoworks

1/27/2010 3:19:28 PM

Cohort Graduation Rates - 5-year cohort for 2009

Cohort graduation, dropout rates by NCLB groups (race, ethnicity, students with IEP, LEP,economically disadvantaged students, gender) see - https://www.eride.ri.gov/exitsupdate/QA%20Cohort%20Graduation%20Rates%206-10-08.pdf

#dropout #infoworks #kidscount #kidscount #infoworks

1/27/2010 3:05:01 PM

Cohort Graduation Rates - 4-year cohort for 2009

4year Cohort graduation, dropout rates by NCLB groups (race, ethnicity, students with IEP, LEP,economically disadvantaged students, gender) see - https://www.eride.ri.gov/exitsupdate/QA%20Cohort%20Graduation%20Rates%206-10-08.pdf

#dropout #infoworks #kidscount #kidscount #infoworks

1/27/2010 2:47:39 PM

1/21/2010 2:24:50 PM

1/21/2010 2:20:07 PM

Student Absenteeism Report for 2008-09

total days absent by excused and unexcused, # students absent unexcused 10+ days (truant), by grade, poverty and ell status.

#absenteeism #truancy #truant #kidscount #infoworks #kidscount #infoworks

12/21/2009 10:04:55 AM

Classes Taught by Highly Qualified Teachers by Poverty Quartiles

State report by elementary and secondary grade levels.

#infoworks #cda #kidscount

12/18/2009 9:08:47 AM

Student Mobility, Stability Rates 2008-09 by Schools, districts

Student Mobility, Stability Rates by Schools, districts, aggregate days of membership, total enrollment, # enrolled and exited during the school year

#mobility #stability #enrollment #membership #infoworks #kidscount #infoworks #kidscount #cda

12/18/2009 8:58:38 AM

12/17/2009 9:48:07 AM

Teacher Quality by Schools and Districts

Elementary and Secondary core academic classes taught by highly qualified teachers

#poverty #kidscount #infoworks #cda

12/15/2009 7:15:39 PM

12/1/2009 2:07:30 PM

12/1/2009 2:06:03 PM

12/1/2009 2:05:45 PM

12/1/2009 2:05:26 PM

12/1/2009 2:05:13 PM

12/1/2009 2:04:57 PM

12/1/2009 2:04:01 PM

12/1/2009 2:03:25 PM

Student Membership and Attendance Reports

LEA ADM/ADA summary LEA ADM/ADA summary by resident community ADM/ADA summary by resident community by LEA LEA ADM/ADA summary by grade LEA ADM/ADA summary by resident community by grade School ADM/ADA summary School ADM/ADA summary by residenty community School ADM/ADA summary by grade School ADM/ADA summary by resident community by grade

#membership #attendance #adm #ada #kidscount #infoworks #kidscount #infoworks

11/25/2009 11:01:52 AM

Student Membership Reports for State Aid Analyses 2008-09

membership by LEA by resident community membership by resident community by LEA membership by resident community charter school membership by resident community full day kg membership by resident community charter school kg membership by resident community pk-03 membership by resident community grade 06-12 membership by resident community free/reduced lunch membership by resident community pk-06 free/reduced lunch membership by resident community LEP program membership by resident community IEP program membership by resident community voc ed program membership by resident community State Operated School membership by resident community membership by schools

#membership #attendance #adm #ada #lunch #program #kidscount #infoworks #kidscount #infoworks

11/25/2009 11:01:37 AM

11/24/2009 11:17:14 AM

RI Technology Capacity Survey March 2009

To determine systems and supports already in place, and to ascertain professional-development opportunities at the district and school level. The information collected in the survey reflects local and state conversations about technology infrastructure and integration in PK-12 classrooms.

#technology #capacity #instruction #infrastructure #classrooms

9/30/2009 12:31:08 PM

Teacher statistics for 2008-09 by schools and districts

Teacher statistics, FTEs, instructional staff by grade level, guidance counselors, librarians, emergency and provisional certifications

#teachers #fte #headcount #infoworks #infoworks #cda

9/16/2009 11:55:09 AM

October 2008 Public School Enrollment By Lunch Status By Schools

October 1st 2008-09 public school enrollment by lunch status, version 3.0

9/14/2009 12:30:37 PM

State Reporting Overview

A PowerPoint presentation prepared for the State Reporting Overview workshop.

#training #workshop

7/20/2009 10:30:41 AM

Tracking and Reporting Student Exits

A PowerPoint presentation prepared for the Tracking and Reporting Student Exits workshop.

#training #workshop

7/20/2009 10:30:20 AM

SASID Overview

A PowerPoint presentation prepared for the SASID Overview workshop.

#training #workshop

7/20/2009 10:29:41 AM

eRIDE Overview

A PowerPoint presentation prepared for the eRIDE Overview workshop.

#training #workshop

7/20/2009 10:07:22 AM

Enrollment Census Overview

A PowerPoint presentation prepared for the Enrollment Census Overview workshop.

#training #workshop

7/20/2009 10:06:41 AM

Education Data Overview

A PowerPoint presentation prepared for the Education Data Overview workshop.

#training #workshop

7/20/2009 10:06:13 AM

Completing EOY Reporting 2009

A PowerPoint presentation prepared for the Completing EOY Reporting workshop.

#training #workshop

7/20/2009 9:49:44 AM

5/6/2009 3:21:09 PM

October 2008 Public School Enrollment By Grade

2008-09 October enrollment by grade for all public schools and districts, including Pre-K and Kindergarten enrollments.

#race #ethnicity #gender #grade #infoworks #kidscount #kidscount #infoworks #cda

4/16/2009 2:09:00 PM

Nonpublic Enrollment by Community for Independent Schools 2008-09

Fall Enrollment by grade and place of residence for independent schools 2008-09.

#non-public #enrollment #independent

4/3/2009 2:15:01 PM

Fall Enrollment 2008 by Grade & Place of Residence for Catholic Schools

2008 Fall enrollment by grade and community of residence for Catholic Diocesan Schools.

#non-public #catholic #enrollment

4/3/2009 2:14:45 PM

Fall Enrollment 2008 by Grade & Place of Residence for Catholic Schools

2008 Fall enrollment by grade and community of residence for Catholic Diocesan Schools.

#non-public #catholic #enrollment

3/17/2009 10:52:10 AM

Nonpublic Enrollment by Community for Independent Schools 2008-09

Fall Enrollment by grade and place of residence for independent schools 2008-09

#non-public #enrollment #independent

3/3/2009 3:12:02 PM

NECAP Fall 2008 Disaggregated Data for Grade 11

for 2008-09 testing year by student demographics and program status. please download fileID 23912 for layout and instructions.

#necap #achievement #performance #kidscount #infoworks #cda #kidscount #infoworks

2/26/2009 9:00:56 AM

NECAP Fall 2008 Disaggregated Data for Grade 8

for 2008-09 testing year by student demographics and program status. please download fileID 23912 for layout and instructions.

#necap #achievement #performance #kidscount #infoworks #cda #kidscount #infoworks

2/26/2009 9:00:51 AM

NECAP Fall 2008 Disaggregated Data for Grade 7

for 2008-09 testing year by student demographics and program status. please download fileID 23912 for layout and instructions.

#necap #achievement #performance #kidscount #infoworks #cda #kidscount #infoworks

2/26/2009 9:00:45 AM

NECAP Fall 2008 Disaggregated Data for Grade 6

for 2008-09 testing year by student demographics and program status. please download fileID 23912 for layout and instructions.

#necap #achievement #performance #kidscount #infoworks #cda #kidscount #infoworks

2/26/2009 9:00:39 AM

NECAP Fall 2008 Disaggregated Data for Grade 5

for 2008-09 testing year by student demographics and program status. please download fileID 23912 for layout and instructions.

#necap #achievement #performance #kidscount #infoworks #cda #kidscount #infoworks

2/26/2009 9:00:32 AM

NECAP Fall 2008 Disaggregated Data for Grade 4

for 2008-09 testing year by demographics and program status. please download fileID 23912 for layout and instructions.

#necap #achievement #performance #kidscount #infoworks #cda #kidscount #infoworks

2/26/2009 9:00:21 AM

NECAP Fall 2008 Disaggregated Data for Grade 3

For 2008-09 testing year by demographic and program status. please download fileID 23912 for layout and instructions.

#necap #achievement #performance #kidscount #infoworks #cda #kidscount #infoworks

2/26/2009 9:00:14 AM

2/26/2009 8:59:57 AM

2/10/2009 12:18:13 PM

Special Education Counts by District and Least Restrictive Environment (LRE) - December 2008

December 2008 district counts by Least Restrictive Environment (LRE).

#lre #sped #iep

2/10/2009 12:18:06 PM

October 1st Enrollment by District 1998 - 2008

Public Enrollment including students placed out of district.

#cda #infoworks #kidscount

12/5/2008 9:41:30 AM