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Searching By School Year:

Type School Year Title | Description | Tag Date Uploaded Category
NECAP Summary Results for 2005-06

Disaggregated summary performance results and scaled scores by district, school and grade.

#necap #achievement #performance #kidscount #infoworks #cda #kidscount #infoworks

12/16/2011 9:22:25 AM

7/25/2008 11:07:40 AM

RI Districts

Agency type, locale, fips code, metro status


11/26/2007 2:16:34 PM

SALT Teacher Data - 2005-06

Number of teachers, days absent, grievances filed, new to school, district.

#teachers #grievances #infoworks #infoworks

3/28/2007 2:11:33 PM

Public School Dropouts by District & School

Public School Dropouts for 2005-06.

#dropout #school

3/9/2007 10:43:31 AM

Nonpublic Graduates June 2006

Nonpublic senior high school graduates for June 2006

#non-public #graduate #june

3/1/2007 10:03:50 AM

2/14/2007 8:58:09 AM

2/8/2007 9:00:59 AM

1/29/2007 8:47:40 AM

School Status and Classification - 2006

Last updated on 1/8/2007. For classification codes, please download technical bulletin (search keyword 'bulletin'), page 19. 4 schools have multiple classifications because of multiple grade levels within school.

#ayp #classification #status #infoworks #infoworks #kidscount

1/18/2007 10:30:24 AM

Membership Data for In$ite PPE Calculations - 2006

Zipped, identifiable information removed, fields included: district and school codes, names, district of residence, outplacement status, CT enrollment, IEP, LEP, lunch status, membership, school days, year-end-enrollment status.

#membership #ppe #insite #in$ite #infoworks #infoworks

1/17/2007 1:40:48 PM

1/10/2007 2:54:52 PM

1/8/2007 12:01:53 PM

Report Card Data - 2006 NECAP Performance by Grade by District

2006 NECAP State Test results by grade, by NCLB categories, by districts for grades 3-8.

#performance #achievement #necap #nclb

1/5/2007 2:14:41 PM

Report Card Data - 2005, Performance, Grade 11

ELA and Math performance, 2004, 2005, disaggregated by NCLB demographic and program categories

#ela #math #achievement

1/5/2007 10:04:11 AM

Report Card Data - 2005, Accountability

AYP Index Scores, Targets, Target Met/Missed for all schools, district and the State. For actual published reports, please visit: http://www.ride.ri.gov/ or http://www.eride.ri.gov/

#ayp #infoworks

1/5/2007 10:03:55 AM

NCLB Report Card - 2006: ELA and Math Performance for Grade 11

State NSRE assessment results by performance levels on ELA and Math, for Grade 11, by NCLB demographic and program categories, 2004-05 and 2005-06. last updated: 1/25/07.

#ela #math #achievement #infoworks #schoolmatters

1/4/2007 2:01:57 PM

School Classification by grade levels by district, 2006

Number of schools in various AYP classifications, by district and by school type.

#performance #ayp #classification #kidscount

12/19/2006 3:40:30 PM

NECAP Achievement Results by District for Grade 4 and 8, 2005-06

Fourth and eighth grade reading, math and writing achievement results by district, and by NCLB demographic categories, NECAP, 2006.

#performance #achievement #necap #nclb #kidscount

12/19/2006 3:40:24 PM

School Classification - Elementary and Middle Schools 2006

School classifications, index scores, AYP status, targets met, targets missed.


12/13/2006 11:43:28 AM

School-performance classifications summary - 2006

Summary of School Performance Classifications Elementary, Middle and High Schools – 2006, Number/Percent of Schools in Each Classification


12/13/2006 11:20:51 AM

School and District Performance-Accountability System 2006

School and District Performance-Accountability System, last updated on Oct 6th, 2006

#performance #ayp #classification #targets

12/13/2006 11:20:46 AM

High-school Classifications 2006

High-school Classifications 2006, index proficiency scores, targets met, targets missed


12/13/2006 11:20:40 AM

Districts not making Adequate Yearly Progress - 2006

Districts in Intervention Status, Watch Status

#ayp #intervention

12/13/2006 11:20:32 AM

English Language Learners, FTEs by District Community, 2005-06

English Language Learners by Servicing and by District of Residence, FTE calculations.

#lep #ell #bilingual #language #kidscount #infoworks

12/12/2006 10:20:47 AM

English Language Learners, 2005-06

Number of English language learners by district and grade; number who are also considered low income; number who are enrolled in Bilingual program by district and grade; number by language spoken.

#lep #ell #bilingual #language #kidscount #infoworks

12/12/2006 10:07:39 AM

Student Mobility, Stability Rates 2005-06 by Schools, districts

Student Mobility, Stability Rates 2005-06 by Schools, districts, aggregate days of membership, total enrollment, # enrolled and exited during the school year

#mobility #stability #enrollment #membership #infoworks #kidscount

12/7/2006 12:15:25 PM

12/7/2006 11:06:01 AM

12/7/2006 11:05:49 AM

Average Daily Membership, Attendance by Grade by District, 2005-2006

Average daily membership of students for each school district as a whole and broken down by grade by district.

#membership #attendance #kidscount

12/7/2006 10:19:13 AM

11/27/2006 2:24:57 PM

11/27/2006 2:24:48 PM

Revised End-of-Year Program Enrollment 2005-06

Revised reporting based on latest updates submitted by E. and N. Providence, Newport.

#enrollment #iep #lep #lunch #sec504 #immigrant #voced #kidscount #infoworks

11/6/2006 3:35:53 PM

Dropouts Grade 7+ by Grade for 2005-06

Public school dropouts, grades 7 and up

#dropout #grade #kidscount

11/2/2006 2:46:30 PM

Attendance Rates: 2005-06

Student attendance rates, by schools and districts and for the State, by building levels

#kidscount #infoworks

10/11/2006 11:43:51 AM

Graduation Rates 2005-06

Final statistics on graduation rates, by schools, districts and for the State; by race, gender

#graduation #accountability #infoworks #kidscount

10/11/2006 11:39:08 AM

School District Directory Information, 2006-07

School District Directory Information, 2006-07. Includes new and closed schools

#lea #cda

10/4/2006 10:21:00 AM

School Enrollment by Lunch Eligibility Status, June 2006

School Enrollment by Lunch Eligibility Status, June 2006

#enrollment #infoworks

10/4/2006 10:14:04 AM

6/14/2006 8:58:26 AM

5/24/2006 12:03:04 PM

Minutes - State Reporting Focus Group Meeting, April 13th, 2006

Minutes - State Reporting Focus Group Meeting, April 13th, 2006. Dropout reporting, students placed out-of-district, special ed students


5/24/2006 11:55:57 AM

Minutes - State Reporting Focus Group Meeting, April 27th, 2006

Minutes - State Reporting Focus Group Meeting, April 27th, 2006. Managing and reporting special ed student information, an update on the State Data Acquision Calendar


5/24/2006 11:54:42 AM

Minutes - State Reporting Focus Group Meeting, May 11th, 2006

Minutes - State Reporting Focus Group Meeting, May 11th, 2006. Year-end State reporting requirements, timelines, sign-off procedure.


5/24/2006 11:39:35 AM

Kindergarten Enrollment by Age (5 and 6) by District, October 2005

Kindergarten Enrollment by Age (5 and 6) by District, October 2005

#kindergarten #enrollment

4/3/2006 12:25:33 PM

Enrollment by Lunch Eligibility Status, December 2005

Students' lunch eligibility status, by schools, districts, as of December 2005

#enrollment #infoworks

4/3/2006 11:59:08 AM

SAT & AP Scores & Number of Test Takers by Schools, 2005

SAT reasoning, subject, advanced placement, PSAT/NMSQT tests for 2005, test scores, # of test takers, by school.

#sat #ap #psat #nmsqt #infoworks #kidscount

3/27/2006 11:41:00 AM

Student Cross-District Mobility in Providence, Central Falls and Pawtucket

Student mobility among selected urban districts between Oct 04 and Oct 05 by demographic and program information


3/7/2006 11:48:56 AM

Non-public Fall Enrollment by Place of Residence for 2005-06

Non-Public Fall Enrollment by Residency for School Year 2005-06

#non-public #enrollment #residency

3/6/2006 11:36:21 AM

Number of Home-Instructed Students: 2005-06

A student must have received permission from the school committee to be instructed at home according to the provisions of Section 16-19-2 of the General Laws of Rhode Island, 1956, as amended. Do not include students who are homebound and who are members of the public school district receiving instructional services from the school district at home. Homebound students should be reported in the October Membership. Follow this link for more information: https://www.eride.ri.gov/doc/athome_doc.asp


3/6/2006 11:16:49 AM

Breakdown of Schools by Type

Number of schools by type-Elementary, Middle, High

#numbers #directory #elementary #middle #high

3/6/2006 9:45:09 AM

Completing the CSPR On-Line Through Eden

A Powerpoint presention on how to complete the CSPR through EDEN.

#cspr #eden

3/2/2006 8:55:09 AM

Non-public Enrollment for Independent Schools by Grade & Place of Residence Fall 2005

Non-Public Enrollment for Independent Schools by Grade & Place of Residence for Fall 2005.

#non-public #independent #enrollment #infoworks #infoworks

2/17/2006 11:02:47 AM

Non-public Enrollment for Catholic Schools by Grade & Place of Residence Fall 2005

Non-public enrollment for Catholic Schools by Grade & Place of Residence for school year 2005-06.

#non-public #enrollment #catholic #infoworks #infoworks

2/15/2006 9:51:51 AM

School LEA Directory October 2005

School LEA directory information as of October 2005, including list of new and closed schools.

#directory #leas #contact #locations #schoolmatters #infoworks #kidscount

2/14/2006 12:51:18 PM

Public Enrollment by Grade & School Fall 2005

Public Enrollment by School & Grade for October 2005, Sorted by LEA

#public #enrollment #grade #school

2/10/2006 1:47:17 PM

Public Enrollment by District & Grade Fall 2005

Public Enrollment by District & Grade for School Year 2005-06.

#enrollment #public #grade

2/10/2006 1:16:08 PM

2005 High School Classifications: Proficiency and Index Scores

2005 High School Classifications: Subject Proficiency, Index Scores, Graduation rates, formal classification

#proficiency #classification #ayp #accountability #kidscount #infoworks

2/8/2006 3:48:04 PM

2005 School Performance Classifications - High Schools

2005 School Performance Classifications - High Schools. For complete reporting, see Report Cards 2005 at http://www.ride.ri.gov/

#classification #ayp #accountability #kidscount #infoworks

2/8/2006 3:38:14 PM

2/2/2006 3:49:47 PM

Supporting Document for Report Card Files

Supporting document for the report card files.


2/2/2006 11:42:10 AM

Report Card Data - 2005 Accountability, Summary

AYP Summary Report, total targets met/missed, classification

#ayp #infoworks #schoolmatters

1/30/2006 12:46:00 PM

2005-06 School and LEA Directory Information

Current school year directory information for all schools and districts

#directory #address

1/26/2006 3:40:25 PM

1/26/2006 1:05:08 PM

October 2005 Public School Enrollment By Grade

October enrollment by grade for all public schools and districts, including Pre-K and Kindergarten enrollments.

#october #enrollment #accountability #membership #kidscount #infoworks

1/26/2006 9:47:49 AM

State Reporting for NCLB

A Power Point Presentation prepared for a data workshop on State Reporting for NCLB


1/24/2006 8:37:37 PM