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2004 Annual Workshop on State Reporting

Agenda for 2004 Annual Workshop on State Reporting

#workshop #workshop

7/20/2009 10:35:04 AM

State Reporting Overview

A PowerPoint presentation prepared for the State Reporting Overview workshop.

#training #workshop

7/20/2009 10:30:41 AM

Tracking and Reporting Student Exits

A PowerPoint presentation prepared for the Tracking and Reporting Student Exits workshop.

#training #workshop

7/20/2009 10:30:20 AM

SASID Overview

A PowerPoint presentation prepared for the SASID Overview workshop.

#training #workshop

7/20/2009 10:29:41 AM

eRIDE Overview

A PowerPoint presentation prepared for the eRIDE Overview workshop.

#training #workshop

7/20/2009 10:07:22 AM

Enrollment Census Overview

A PowerPoint presentation prepared for the Enrollment Census Overview workshop.

#training #workshop

7/20/2009 10:06:41 AM

Education Data Overview

A PowerPoint presentation prepared for the Education Data Overview workshop.

#training #workshop

7/20/2009 10:06:13 AM

Completing EOY Reporting 2009

A PowerPoint presentation prepared for the Completing EOY Reporting workshop.

#training #workshop

7/20/2009 9:49:44 AM

Minutes - State Reporting Focus Group Meeting, October 13th, 2006

We had some great discussions on a number of critical issues related to student enrollment, summer withdrawals, graduation and dropout and the implications for State assessment, accountability, program management, State educational aid and federal funding. We also reviewed the State's new eSnacs system and how it works with the State's quarterly enrollment reporting system to collect more consistent and reliable data on student's lunch eligibility. We also briefly reviewed some key educational statistics on student membership, program participation, attendance, graduation and dropout and how they are used in our accountability and educational aid systems.

10/24/2006 2:32:43 PM

Minutes - State Reporting Focus Group Meeting, October 28th, 2006

Minutes - State Reporting Focus Group Meeting, October 28th, 2006; federal and state mandates, State reporting overview, updates and changes.

10/3/2006 9:44:09 AM

6/14/2006 8:58:26 AM

5/24/2006 12:03:04 PM

Minutes - State Reporting Focus Group Meeting, April 13th, 2006

Minutes - State Reporting Focus Group Meeting, April 13th, 2006. Dropout reporting, students placed out-of-district, special ed students


5/24/2006 11:55:57 AM

Minutes - State Reporting Focus Group Meeting, April 27th, 2006

Minutes - State Reporting Focus Group Meeting, April 27th, 2006. Managing and reporting special ed student information, an update on the State Data Acquision Calendar


5/24/2006 11:54:42 AM

Minutes - State Reporting Focus Group Meeting, May 11th, 2006

Minutes - State Reporting Focus Group Meeting, May 11th, 2006. Year-end State reporting requirements, timelines, sign-off procedure.


5/24/2006 11:39:35 AM

State Reporting for NCLB

A Power Point Presentation prepared for a data workshop on State Reporting for NCLB


1/24/2006 8:37:37 PM