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Type School Year Title | Description | Tag Date Uploaded Category
Curriculum Data, Years 2018-19 to 2023-24

The Curriculum Visualization Tool provides an interactive way to view the curricula used across Rhode Island.

#curriculum #dashboard

1/31/2024 10:11:42 AM

Arts Education Data Dashboard

The RI Arts Education Data Dashboard displays data about arts access, arts enrollment, and arts course offerings at the state, county, LEA, and school level. The Arts Education Data Project is a partnership between the State Education Agency Directors of Arts Education and Quadrant Research. The RI dashboard is prepared in partnership with DataSpark at the University of Rhode Island and supported by the Rhode Island State Council on the Arts.

#dashboard #enrollment

11/8/2023 9:15:41 AM

9/18/2023 10:44:35 AM

UCOA LEA Budgets (FY25)

This dashboard identifies the LEAs that have submitted their 23-24 Budget Only file to RIDE as required by R.I. Gen. Laws § 16-2-9.4. For those LEAs that submitted a budget file to RIDE, users can explore and download their detailed budget information disaggregated by the UCOA segments.

#dashboard #ucoa

7/7/2023 3:29:13 PM

2/9/2023 11:45:14 AM

LEA Financial Profiles FY23

RIDE developed financial profiles for each LEA to comply with the requirements of RIGL 16-7.2-8. The LEA financial profile is a four-page interactive report customized to every district that includes high level information about the characteristics of every district (including a set of outcome measures) and an in-depth analysis of the finances. The primary objective of these financial profiles is to provide useful information to LEAs and the public about the source and use of financial resources.

#dashboard #ucoa

2/8/2023 3:47:44 PM

UCOA Data Exploration Tools

This interactive set of dashboards allows users to explore historical UCOA data by the different segments of the UCOA string. Users can run and export detailed analyses by selecting the locations of interest (LEAs, Schools, or other District Locations) and filtering by the UCOA segments (object, function, program, etc.).

#dashboard #ucoa

2/8/2023 3:45:16 PM

UCOA LEA Budgets

This dashboard identifies the LEAs that have submitted their 22-23 Budget Only file to RIDE as required by R.I. Gen. Laws § 16-2-9.4. For those LEAs that submitted a budget file to RIDE, users can explore and download their detailed budget information disaggregated by the UCOA segments.

#dashboard #ucoa

2/8/2023 3:17:37 PM

RI Community Education Dashboards

RI Community Education Dashboards


3/3/2022 11:41:00 AM

Historical Absences

This dashboard shows historical Chronic Absenteeism Data

#absenteeism #attendance #dashboard

12/21/2021 10:59:00 AM

RICAS Changes Between 2018-19 and 2020-21

This dashboard shows 2020-21 RICAS data.

#dashboard #ricas

12/21/2021 10:56:00 AM

Course Data Visualization

Enrollment by Course Attributes and Student Demographics


9/28/2021 10:51:00 AM

High School Graduation Rates Visualization

The Graduation Dashboards include Graduation, Retention, GED and Dropout Rates.


7/20/2021 3:50:00 PM

State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report (SPP/APR)

State Performance Plan/Annual Performance Report (SPP/APR) - Under the Individuals with Disabilities Education Improvement Act of 2004 (IDEA), states are required to report the progress of students with disabilities in important areas of performance.

#dashboard #iep #sped

1/12/2021 12:45:00 PM