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Searching By Tag:

Type School Year Title | Description | Tag Date Uploaded Category
Accountability 2019 Growth Measures

2019 accountability results for the growth measures. Includes math and ELA data. Disaggregated by 2018 and 2019.

#growth #accountability #assessment #sgp

12/3/2019 4:51:07 PM

2015 PARCC RI Teaching and Learning Results

A summary report of the 2015 PARCC results; contains state, local, and school data.

#parcc #assessment #infoworks #infoworks #kidscount

1/5/2016 9:40:00 AM

2015 PARCC results

A comprehensive listing of district and school data that includes the percentage of students meeting and/or exceeding expectations; the number of students tested; and the percentage of students participating in testing. Follow this link for in-depth presentation of data for each district and school; includes disaggregated results for student subgroups. https://iss.ride.ri.gov/AssessmentResults

#parcc #assessment #infoworks #infoworks #kidscount

1/5/2016 9:24:41 AM

Technology Literacy Assessment Results, 8th Grade

PRELIMINARY REPORT: This report was generated before the end of the overall assessment window. Assessment-wide aggregate data represents scores for all students who have been scored up to the time of generation but not for all students for this assessment.

#assessment #literacy

9/8/2010 2:33:44 PM

7/22/2008 2:05:53 PM

7/22/2008 2:05:46 PM

Student State Assessments - Tested and Not Tested

Math and ELA by NCLB categories, Grade, schools, districts and State - read http://www.ed.gov/about/inits/ed/edfacts/sy-06-07-xml.html for details

#tested #performance #assessment #ela #math #cda

7/22/2008 12:33:39 PM

Consolidated State Performance Report 2004-05 - Rhode Island - Part I

Includes reports on Standards and Assessments, Accountability, School Choice and Supplemental Educational Services, Teacher and Paraprofessional Quality, Proficiency of English Language Learners, Persistently Dangerous Schools, and Graduation and Dropout Rates

#cspr #eden #assessment #accountability

6/2/2006 1:41:24 PM

NSRE Proficiency Scores for ELL Students 2003-04, 2004-05

NSRE Proficiency Scores for ELL Students 2003-04, 2004-05, by school, district and State, Grade 11 only.

#nsre #assessment #proficiency #ell

4/10/2006 1:25:32 PM