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Searching By Tag:

Type School Year Title | Description | Tag Date Uploaded Category
Accountability 2020 English Language Proficiency Indicator

2020 accountability results for the progress toward English language proficiency indicator. Disaggregated by 2019 and 2020.

#accountability #access #english

6/15/2021 8:51:31 AM

Accountability 2019 English Language Proficiency Indicator

2019 accountability results for the progress toward English language proficiency indicator. Disaggregated by 2018 and 2019.

#accountability #access #english

12/3/2019 4:54:54 PM

Accountability 2019 Growth Measures

2019 accountability results for the growth measures. Includes math and ELA data. Disaggregated by 2018 and 2019.

#growth #accountability #assessment #sgp

12/3/2019 4:51:07 PM

Accountability 2019 Achievement and Exceeds Expectations Measures

2019 accountability results for the achievement and exceeds measures. Includes math and ELA data. Disaggregates by 2018 and 2019.

#achievement #accountability #achievement

12/3/2019 4:46:47 PM

2012 Final School Classification Summary-Middle Schools

Targets Met, missed, total points from percent proficent, subgroup gaps, progress towards target, distinction, growth, graduation

#accountability #performance #reward #priority #focus #infoworks #kidscount

10/11/2012 2:51:40 PM

2012 Final School Classification Summary-High Schools

Targets Met, missed, total points from percent proficent, subgroup gaps, progress towards target, distinction, growth, graduation

#accountability #performance #reward #priority #focus #infoworks #kidscount

10/11/2012 2:51:34 PM

2012 Final School Classification Summary-Elementary Schools

Targets Met, missed, total points from percent proficent, subgroup gaps, progress towards target, distinction, growth, graduation

#accountability #performance #reward #priority #focus #infoworks #kidscount

10/11/2012 2:51:27 PM

School Classifications -

RI's highest and lowest achieving, progress schools, schools implementing interventions. See https://www.eride.ri.gov/eride40/reportcards/12/Schools.aspx for more information.

#accountability #performance #reward #priority #focus

8/27/2012 8:58:39 AM

2010 School AYP Summary Report

Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) status, NCLB classification, and NCLB sanctions of schools for 2009-10 school year

#ayp #classification #accountability #intervention #sanctions #infoworks #infoworks

9/15/2011 2:15:03 PM

2011 School AYP Summary Report

Adequate Yearly Progress (AYP) status, NCLB classification, and NCLB sanctions of schools for 2010-11 school year.

#ayp #classification #accountability #intervention #sanctions #infoworks

9/15/2011 1:36:37 PM

Cohort Graduation Rates - 5-year cohort for 2008

Final graduation rates by schools, districts and State, and by NCLB categories, for stendents entering 9th grade in 2003-04. Also see http://www.ride.ri.gov/RIDE/GraduationRates.aspx

#accountability #infoworks #infoworks #kidscount #cda

3/27/2009 8:30:20 AM

Cohort Graduation Rates - 4-year cohort for 2008

Final graduation rates by schools, districts and State, and by NCLB categories, for stendents entering 9th grade in 2004-05. Also see http://www.ride.ri.gov/RIDE/GraduationRates.aspx

#cohort #graduation #accountability #infoworks #infoworks #kidscount #cda

3/27/2009 8:29:58 AM

Final Graduation Rates - 2006-07 - Public Schools

Final statistics on graduation rates for all public schools and districts.

#graduation #accountability #infoworks #infoworks #kidscount #cda

11/7/2007 2:14:42 PM

October 2006 Public School Enrollment By Grade

October enrollment by grade for all public schools and districts, including Pre-K and Kindergarten enrollments.

#october #enrollment #accountability #membership #kidscount #infoworks #infoworks

11/7/2007 2:05:33 PM

NCLB Report Card - 2004: Accountability Reports

AYP Index Scores, Targets, Target Met/Missed for all schools, district and the State. For actual published reports, please visit: http://www.ride.ri.gov/ or http://www.eride.ri.gov/

#proficiency #classification #ayp #accountability #kidscount #infoworks

1/4/2007 2:27:52 PM

Graduation Rates 2005-06

Final statistics on graduation rates, by schools, districts and for the State; by race, gender

#graduation #accountability #infoworks #kidscount

10/11/2006 11:39:08 AM

Consolidated State Performance Report 2004-05 - Rhode Island - Part I

Includes reports on Standards and Assessments, Accountability, School Choice and Supplemental Educational Services, Teacher and Paraprofessional Quality, Proficiency of English Language Learners, Persistently Dangerous Schools, and Graduation and Dropout Rates

#cspr #eden #assessment #accountability

6/2/2006 1:41:24 PM

District Dropout Rates for 2001-2005

District dropout rates for 2001-02, 2002-03, 2003-04 and 2004-05, NCES leaver formula used for computation (see document # 14134)

#graduation #nces #accountability

3/16/2006 11:33:42 AM

3/1/2006 4:22:00 PM

2005 High School Classifications: Proficiency and Index Scores

2005 High School Classifications: Subject Proficiency, Index Scores, Graduation rates, formal classification

#proficiency #classification #ayp #accountability #kidscount #infoworks

2/8/2006 3:48:04 PM

2005 School Performance Classifications - High Schools

2005 School Performance Classifications - High Schools. For complete reporting, see Report Cards 2005 at http://www.ride.ri.gov/

#classification #ayp #accountability #kidscount #infoworks

2/8/2006 3:38:14 PM

State Definition of Dropout 2004

State definition of dropout, consistent with NCES definition

#dropout #definition #nces #accountability

2/2/2006 4:07:19 PM

Computing Graduation Dropout Rates

Document extracted from State's School Accountability bulletin on how the Graduation, dropout rates are computed.

#graduation #accountability #cda

2/2/2006 3:56:36 PM

Final Graduation Rates - 2004-05 - Public Schools

Final statistics on graduation rates for 2004-05 for all public schools and districts.

#graduation #accountability

1/26/2006 11:25:45 AM

October 2005 Public School Enrollment By Grade

October enrollment by grade for all public schools and districts, including Pre-K and Kindergarten enrollments.

#october #enrollment #accountability #membership #kidscount #infoworks

1/26/2006 9:47:49 AM