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Student Membership by Program Eligibility Status

membership by program by LEAs, by district community residence, by LEA by district community residence, by district community residence by LEA, by schools, by school by district community residence membership by program by district community residence for CT centers

#adm #homeless #iep #kc24 #lep #lunch #membership #program #sec504 #title1

11/2/2023 12:03:09 PM

12/24/2008 9:48:36 AM

11/27/2006 2:24:57 PM

Revised End-of-Year Program Enrollment 2005-06

Revised reporting based on latest updates submitted by E. and N. Providence, Newport.

#enrollment #iep #lep #lunch #sec504 #immigrant #voced #kidscount #infoworks

11/6/2006 3:35:53 PM