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Searching By Tag:

Type School Year Title | Description | Tag Date Uploaded Category
2016 SAT by School Over Time

# tested, mean scores for critical reading, math, writing and total for class of 2008-2016

#sat #math #reading #writing #infoworks #infoworks #kidscount

1/11/2017 11:14:32 AM

2016 SAT Scores by District and for the State

# tested, mean scores for critical reading, math, writing and total for class of 2008-2016

#sat #math #reading #writing #infoworks #infoworks #kidscount

1/11/2017 11:14:25 AM

2015 SAT by State Over Time

# tested, mean scores for critical reading, math, writing and total for class of 2008-2015

#sat #math #reading #writing #infoworks #infoworks #kidscount

1/8/2016 10:15:31 AM

2015 SAT by School Over Time

# tested, mean scores for critical reading, math, writing and total for class of 1999-2014

#sat #math #reading #writing #infoworks #infoworks #kidscount

1/8/2016 10:15:23 AM

2015 SAT Scores by District

# tested, mean scores for critical reading, math, writing and total for class of 1999-2014

#sat #math #reading #writing #infoworks #infoworks #kidscount

1/8/2016 10:15:07 AM

2014 SAT Scores by School

# tested, mean scores on critical reading, math, writing and total for class of 2014, by school.

#sat #math #reading #writing #infoworks #infoworks #kidscount

3/9/2015 10:42:59 AM

2014 SAT Scores by District

Mean SAT scores for students in graduating class of 2014 by district

#sat #math #reading #writing #infoworks #infoworks #kidscount

3/9/2015 10:42:52 AM

2014 SAT by State Over Time

# tested, mean scores for critical reading, math, writing and total for class of 1999-2014

#sat #math #reading #writing #infoworks #infoworks #kidscount

3/9/2015 10:42:43 AM

SAT Math, Reading and Writing Scores by School - 2013

average reading (vmean), math (mmean) and writing (wmean) scores by school, current and prior years

#reading #writing #infoworks #cda #kidscount #infoworks #kidscount

1/13/2014 2:18:58 PM

SAT Math, Reading and Writing Scores by District - 2013

average reading (vmean), math (mmean) and writing (wmean) scores by districts, current and prior years

#reading #writing #infoworks #cda #kidscount #infoworks #kidscount

1/13/2014 2:18:51 PM

2012 SAT Scores by District and State

Mean SAT scores for students in graduating class of 2012 by district and State, plus historical data for 2011, 2010, 2009, and 2008 in math, reading, and writing.

#sat #math #reading #writing #infoworks #infoworks #kidscount

3/1/2013 11:07:46 AM

2011 SAT Scores by District

Mean SAT scores for students in graduating class of 2011 by district, plus historical data for 2010, 2009, 2008

#sat #math #reading #writing #infoworks #infoworks #kidscount

9/15/2011 3:47:49 PM

2011 SAT Scores by School

Mean SAT scores for students in graduating class of 2011 by school, plus historical data for 2010, 2009, 2008

#sat #math #reading #writing #infoworks #infoworks #kidscount

9/15/2011 3:43:14 PM

SAT Math, Reading and Writing Scores by District - 2010

average reading (vmean), math (mmean) and writing (wmean) scores by districts

#reading #writing #infoworks #cda #kidscount #infoworks #kidscount

9/16/2010 9:55:20 AM

SAT Math, Reading and Writing Scores by Schools - 2010

Average SAT readding (vmean), math (mmean) and writing (wmean) scores by schools

#reading #writing #infoworks #cda #kidscount #infoworks #kidscount

9/16/2010 9:53:22 AM

SAT Math, Reading and Writing Scores by District - 2009

average reading (vmean), math (mmean) and writing (wmean) scores by districts

#reading #writing #infoworks #cda #kidscount

2/2/2010 2:59:51 PM

SAT Math, Reading and Writing Scores by Schools - 2009

Average SAT readding (vmean), math (mmean) and writing (wmean) scores by schools

#reading #writing #infoworks #cda #kidscount

2/2/2010 2:52:19 PM


6/24/2009 10:34:59 AM