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Searching By Tag:

Type School Year Title | Description | Tag Date Uploaded Category
2012 Final School Classification Summary-Middle Schools

Targets Met, missed, total points from percent proficent, subgroup gaps, progress towards target, distinction, growth, graduation

#accountability #performance #reward #priority #focus #infoworks #kidscount

10/11/2012 2:51:40 PM

2012 Final School Classification Summary-High Schools

Targets Met, missed, total points from percent proficent, subgroup gaps, progress towards target, distinction, growth, graduation

#accountability #performance #reward #priority #focus #infoworks #kidscount

10/11/2012 2:51:34 PM

2012 Final School Classification Summary-Elementary Schools

Targets Met, missed, total points from percent proficent, subgroup gaps, progress towards target, distinction, growth, graduation

#accountability #performance #reward #priority #focus #infoworks #kidscount

10/11/2012 2:51:27 PM

School Classifications -

RI's highest and lowest achieving, progress schools, schools implementing interventions. See https://www.eride.ri.gov/eride40/reportcards/12/Schools.aspx for more information.

#accountability #performance #reward #priority #focus

8/27/2012 8:58:39 AM