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Searching By Tag:

Type School Year Title | Description | Tag Date Uploaded Category
Students Participated in NSRE State Tests 2004-05

By student demographics and program status. Also includes participant information for 2003-04.

#tested #nsre #nclb #demographics

1/30/2007 2:50:49 PM

Report Card Data - 2006 NECAP Performance by Grade by District

2006 NECAP State Test results by grade, by NCLB categories, by districts for grades 3-8.

#performance #achievement #necap #nclb

1/5/2007 2:14:41 PM

NECAP Achievement Results by District for Grade 4 and 8, 2005-06

Fourth and eighth grade reading, math and writing achievement results by district, and by NCLB demographic categories, NECAP, 2006.

#performance #achievement #necap #nclb #kidscount

12/19/2006 3:40:24 PM