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Rhode Island's Seal of Biliteracy Results

This dashboard shows data on the rate at which students who exited high school (by graduation or otherwise) earned the Rhode Island Seal of Biliteracy.


12/17/2024 3:10:45 PM

English Language Learners, FTEs by District Community, 2013-14

English Language Learners by Servicing and by District of Residence, FTE calculations.

#lep #ell #bilingual #language #kidscount #infoworks

11/18/2014 10:30:37 AM

English Language Learners, FTEs by District Community, 2012-13

English Language Learners by Servicing and by District of Residence, FTE calculations.

#lep #ell #bilingual #language #kidscount #infoworks

6/17/2014 2:54:22 PM

English Language Learners, FTEs by District Community, 2010-11

English Language Learners by Servicing and by District of Residence, FTE calculations.

#lep #ell #bilingual #language #kidscount #infoworks

9/20/2012 3:49:54 PM

English Language Learners, FTEs by District Community, 2011-12

English Language Learners by Servicing and by District of Residence, FTE calculations.

#lep #ell #bilingual #language #kidscount #infoworks

9/19/2012 10:44:41 AM

English Language Learners, 2007-08

Number of English language learners by district and grade; number who are also considered low income; number who are enrolled in Bilingual program by district and grade; number by language spoken.

#lep #ell #bilingual #language #kidscount #infoworks #infoworks #kidscount

1/23/2009 8:55:16 AM

English Language Learners, 2006-07

Number of English language learners by district and grade; number who are also considered low income; number who are enrolled in Bilingual program by district and grade; number by language spoken.

#lep #ell #bilingual #language #kidscount #infoworks #infoworks #kidscount

12/10/2007 3:15:33 PM

English Language Learners, FTEs by District Community, 2005-06

English Language Learners by Servicing and by District of Residence, FTE calculations.

#lep #ell #bilingual #language #kidscount #infoworks

12/12/2006 10:20:47 AM

English Language Learners, 2005-06

Number of English language learners by district and grade; number who are also considered low income; number who are enrolled in Bilingual program by district and grade; number by language spoken.

#lep #ell #bilingual #language #kidscount #infoworks

12/12/2006 10:07:39 AM

English Language Learners 2004-05

Number of English language learners by district and grade; number who are also considered low income; number who are enrolled in Bilingual program by district and grade; number by language spoken.

#lep #ell #bilingual #language #kidscount #infoworks

2/9/2006 11:02:30 AM