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5/16/2017 3:13:50 PM

4/2/2015 1:30:53 PM

RI Students Enrolled in Post-Secondary Institutions

for all RI publicly enrolled students who were 16 years and older, showing number and % enrolled by IHE names and by type of institution. Enrollment period covered are 2004-2013. Included are only records that were matched with existing IHE record from National Student Clearing House.

#postsecondary #ihe #college #graduate

10/8/2014 1:49:27 PM

Number and Percent of 2011 Graduating Class Enrolled in College

For state and each school district, state school and charter high school - # and % of students who graduated in 2012 who went immediately (within 6 mos.) to a private 4-year college, a public 4-year college, a private 2-year college, and a public 2-year college ; # and % of students who graduated in 2011 who went immediately (within 6 mos.) to college, went within 1 year, and went within 2 years.

#ihe #graduate #kidscount

1/14/2014 10:15:56 AM

Number and Percent Completed 1-Year Worth of Credit After

2 years of college, by district and school, for graduating class of 2011 who were enrolled in college within 6 months graduating from high school.

#ihe #graduate #kidscount

1/14/2014 10:15:49 AM

12/18/2012 12:44:32 PM

Post Secondary Enrollment for RI Graduates 2007-2010

The required postsecondary enrollment data apply to students who graduated from high school two years prior to the report year. For example, for the 2011-2012 Race to the Top APR, postsecondary enrollment data apply to the students who graduated from high school in the 2009-2010 school year. For the students who graduated from high school in the 2009-2010 school year, report on whether they enrolled in an institution of higher education (IHE) within 16 months of their high school graduation. Students who enroll in any public or private IHE, regardless of whether they are inside or outside the State, should be included in the enrollment counts.

#ihe #graduate #postsecondary

12/18/2012 10:25:31 AM

College Course Completion, RI Graduates, 2006-2008

The required college course completion data apply to students who enrolled in a public institution of higher education (IHE) in the state within 16 months of graduating from high school and either complete or do not complete at least one year’s worth of college credit applicable to a degree within two years of enrollment in the IHE. As a result of this definition, the difference between the report year and the class of high school graduates for which the data apply is four years.

#ihe #graduate #postsecondary

12/18/2012 10:24:13 AM

NESSC Phase II Data Technical Report

Preliminary. Key updated college readiness indicators, decision rules, definitions, data submitted by consortium states on indicators

#graduate #dropout

12/29/2011 12:17:03 PM

College Course Completion Rate

for graduating class of 2005-06 and 2006-07. denominator is # of graduates enrolled in college within 16 months numerator is # of above students who completed at least one year worth of college credit within 2 years of college enrollment demographics are as of last graduated from high school.

#ihe #graduate

12/29/2011 12:13:27 PM

NESSC Data Reporting Preliminary Decision Rules

In its second year (2010-11), the Data Team has focused on the degree to which data collected and reported across the states is similar, as well as differences across states will be addressed. As a result, the Team has created a series of data “Decision Rules” to be applied when compiling and reporting data for the NESSC. When possible the Team will follow federal guidelines for high school data reporting and the guidelines used by the National Student Clearinghouse (NSC) for reporting post-secondary data.

#ihe #graduate #dropout #ged

12/29/2011 12:08:30 PM

NESSC Data Reporting on RI Graduates by Cohort

# first time freshmen, # transferred in or out, # graduated on time, # enrolled in 5th year, # graduated in 5 years, 6 years, with GEDs, dropped out, enrolled in postsecondary, 2-year or 4 year colleges immediately or later, by demographics. See file # 27372 for data element definitions.

#ihe #graduate #dropout #ged

12/29/2011 12:00:20 PM

Early Postsecondary Enrollment & Students

by on-time graduates, GED completers, dropouts for 2005 and 2006 freshemen cohorts. See file # 27372 for data element definitions.

#ihe #graduate #dropout #ged

12/29/2011 11:55:36 AM

Annual Public School Graduates Report for 2010-11

by school, district and state and by race, gender, program status

#graduate #demographics #infoworks #kidscount #kidscount #infoworks

12/21/2011 11:39:01 AM

6/21/2011 10:00:23 AM

Annual Public High School Graduates Report

for 2009-10, by school, district and state and by race, gender, program status

#graduate #demographics #infoworks #kidscount #kidscount #infoworks

2/17/2011 9:20:28 AM

RI Students Enrolled in Post-Secondary Institutions

for all RI publicly enrolled students who were 16 years and older, showing number and % enrolled by IHE names and by type of institution. Enrollment period covered are 2004-2011. Included are only records that were matched with existing IHE record from National Student Clearing House.

#postsecondary #ihe #college #graduate

1/31/2011 12:02:31 PM

Chart on Percent Enrolled in IHE Within 16 Months

After HS Graduation, 2004-2008, by Districts

#ihe #graduate

10/5/2010 1:47:24 PM

Chart on Percent Completed At Least 1 Year Worth of Credit

Within 2 Years of IHE Enrollment After HS Graduation, 2004-2008, by Districts

#ihe #graduate

10/5/2010 1:47:15 PM

10/5/2010 1:30:34 PM

Postsecondary Enrollment of R.I. High School Graduates: 2004-2008

# and % of high school graduates enrolled in postsecondary institutions within 16 months after high schools; # and % finished at least one-year credit within 2 years of enrollment in IHE after high school

#postsecondary #graduate #college #ihe

7/22/2010 2:44:11 PM

1/21/2010 2:20:07 PM

Annual Public High School Graduates Report - 2007-08

by race/ethnicity, gender, major program eligibility status and by schools

#graduate #demographics #infoworks #kidscount

1/13/2010 11:08:33 AM

5/29/2009 3:35:51 PM

Nonpublic Graduate Report June 2007

Nonpublic graduates from June 2007.

#non-public #graduate

2/19/2008 1:34:50 PM

Nonpublic Graduates June 2006

Nonpublic senior high school graduates for June 2006

#non-public #graduate #june

3/1/2007 10:03:50 AM