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Searching By Tag:

Type School Year Title | Description | Tag Date Uploaded Category
Teacher statistics for 2023-24 by schools

Teacher statistics, FTEs, instructional staff by grade level, guidance counselors, librarians, emergency and provisional certifications

#fte #headcount #staff #teachers

12/13/2024 2:20:15 PM

Teacher statistics for 2022-23 by schools

Teacher statistics, FTEs, instructional staff by grade level, guidance counselors, librarians, emergency and provisional certifications

#fte #headcount #infoworks

2/2/2024 10:16:14 AM

Teacher statistics for 2021-22 by schools

Teacher statistics, FTEs, instructional staff by grade level, guidance counselors, librarians, emergency and provisional certifications

#certification #emergency #fte #headcount #infoworks #provisional #teachers

2/2/2024 10:13:06 AM

Teacher statistics for 2019-20 by schools

Teacher statistics, FTEs, instructional staff by grade level, guidance counselors, librarians, emergency and provisional certifications

#fte #headcount #infoworks #infoworks #cda

10/6/2021 11:41:30 AM

Teacher statistics for 2020-21 by schools

Teacher statistics, FTEs, instructional staff by grade level, guidance counselors, librarians, emergency and provisional certifications

#fte #headcount #infoworks #infoworks #cda

10/6/2021 11:41:20 AM

Teacher statistics for 2018-19 by schools

Teacher statistics, FTEs, instructional staff by grade level, guidance counselors, librarians, emergency and provisional certifications

#fte #headcount #infoworks #infoworks #cda

9/24/2019 10:24:20 AM

Teacher statistics for 2017-18 by schools

Teacher statistics, FTEs, instructional staff by grade level, guidance counselors, librarians, emergency and provisional certifications

#teachers #fte #headcount #infoworks #infoworks #cda

11/1/2018 1:41:48 PM

Teacher statistics for 2016-17 by schools

Teacher statistics, FTEs, instructional staff by grade level, guidance counselors, librarians, emergency and provisional certifications

#teachers #fte #headcount #infoworks #infoworks #cda

9/8/2017 9:29:27 AM

Teacher statistics for 2015-16 by schools

Teacher statistics, FTEs, instructional staff by grade level, guidance counselors, librarians, emergency and provisional certifications

#fte #headcount #infoworks #infoworks #cda

8/11/2016 9:27:34 AM

Teacher statistics for 2014-15 by schools

Teacher statistics, FTEs, instructional staff by grade level, guidance counselors, librarians, emergency and provisional certifications

#teachers #fte #headcount #infoworks #infoworks #cda

3/16/2015 1:18:28 PM

Teacher statistics for 2013-14 by schools

Teacher statistics, FTEs, instructional staff by grade level, guidance counselors, librarians, emergency and provisional certifications

#teachers #fte #headcount #infoworks #infoworks #cda

1/14/2015 12:39:22 PM

Teacher statistics for 2012-13 by schools

Teacher statistics, FTEs, instructional staff by grade level, guidance counselors, librarians, emergency and provisional certifications

#teachers #fte #headcount #infoworks #infoworks #cda

11/18/2013 10:22:40 AM

Teacher statistics for 2011-12 by schools

Teacher statistics, FTEs, instructional staff by grade level, guidance counselors, librarians, emergency and provisional certifications

#teachers #fte #headcount #infoworks #infoworks #cda

6/1/2012 3:42:19 PM

Teacher statistics for 2010-11 by schools

Teacher statistics, FTEs, instructional staff by grade level, guidance counselors, librarians, emergency and provisional certifications

#teachers #fte #headcount #infoworks #infoworks #cda

5/27/2011 10:34:54 AM

ESL FTE Counts for 2009-10

by schools, district, district of residence and ELL Program.

#ell #fte #esl #bilingual

4/26/2011 2:37:22 PM

Teacher statistics for 2009-10 by schools and districts - preliminary

Teacher statistics, FTEs, instructional staff by grade level, guidance counselors, librarians, emergency and provisional certifications

#teachers #fte #headcount #infoworks #infoworks #cda

5/7/2010 2:51:02 PM

Teacher statistics for 2008-09 by schools and districts

Teacher statistics, FTEs, instructional staff by grade level, guidance counselors, librarians, emergency and provisional certifications

#teachers #fte #headcount #infoworks #infoworks #cda

9/16/2009 11:55:09 AM

Teacher statistics for 2007-08 by schools and districts

Teacher statistics, FTEs, instructional staff by grade level, guidance counselors, librarians, emergency and provisional certifications, updated 07-08 statistics

#teachers #fte #headcount #infoworks #infoworks #cda

4/6/2009 11:10:57 AM

Staff FTEs by NCES Staffing Categories

Staff FTEs by title of employment

#cda #fte #staff

7/21/2008 1:48:34 PM

Teacher Statistics 2005-06 & 2006-07

Teacher statistics, FTEs, instructional staff by grade level, guidance counselors, librarians, emergency and provisional certifications, updated 05-06 statistics

#teachers #fte #librarians #emergency #provisional #certification #infoworks #infoworks

11/7/2007 1:48:03 PM

Teacher Statistics 2004-05

Teacher statistics, FTEs, instructional staff by grade level, guidance counselors, librarians, emergency and provisional certifications, 2004-05

#teachers #fte #librarians #emergency #provisional #certification #infoworks

2/16/2006 10:38:48 AM