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Number and Percent Completed 1-Year Worth of Credit After

2 years of college, by district and school, for graduating class of 2011 who were enrolled in college within 6 months graduating from high school.

#ihe #graduate #kidscount

1/14/2014 10:15:49 AM

College Course Completion Rate

for graduating class of 2005-06 and 2006-07. denominator is # of graduates enrolled in college within 16 months numerator is # of above students who completed at least one year worth of college credit within 2 years of college enrollment demographics are as of last graduated from high school.

#ihe #graduate

12/29/2011 12:13:27 PM

Chart on Percent Completed At Least 1 Year Worth of Credit

Within 2 Years of IHE Enrollment After HS Graduation, 2004-2008, by Districts

#ihe #graduate

10/5/2010 1:47:15 PM