R.I. Sch for the Deaf

LEA Information
LEA Code: 50
LEA Type: State Operated
NCES Code: 4400001
Grade Span: PF - 12
Status: Active
Physical Location
RI School for the Deaf One Corliss Park
Providence, RI 02908

  (401) 222-3525
  (401) 243-1024
Mary Pendergast
Title: School Test Coordinator
Role(s): School Testing Coordinator
District Testing Coordinator

Sarah McGaughey
Title: Director/Superintendent
Role(s): Superintendent

Amanda Montgomery, Esq
Title: Board Chair
Role(s): Board Chair

Todd Furlong
Title: Director of Technology
Role(s): Data Manager

Mary Pendergast
Title: Special Education Administrator
Role(s): District Testing Coordinator
EL Director/Coordinator

Amy Vincenzi
Title: Assistant Director/Operations & Finance
Role(s): Business Manager
Food Program Director
Human Resource
School(s) in LEA
School Code School Name School Type School Sub Type
50190 R.I. Sch for the Deaf Admin School Public School District Admin
28702 Rhode Island School for the Deaf Public School State Operated School
50901 School for the Deaf Transition Special Education Special Education