Trinity Academy for the Performing Arts

LEA Information
LEA Code: 61
LEA Type: Charter School
NCES Code: 4400018
Grade Span: 05 - 12
Status: Active
Physical Location
275 Westminster Street
Providence, RI 02903

  (401) 432-7881
  (401) 432-7882
Christeen Hum
Title: School Test Coordinator
Role(s): School Testing Coordinator

Eliza Bryant
Title: Guidance Counselor
Role(s): Guidance Counselor

Alida Paz
Title: Dean
Role(s): Educational Lead

Teresa Eagan
Title: Special Ed. Director
Role(s): Special Education Director

Harold Sands
Title: Director of Business & Finance
Role(s): Director
Business Manager

Elizabeth Richards-Hegnauer
Title: Head of School
Role(s): Superintendent

Zuleika Vidal
Title: School Liaison
Role(s): McKinny Vento Liaison
Health Representative
SurveyWorks District Coordinator

Rebecca Salzman-Fiske
Title: Assistant Head of School
Role(s): Assistant Principal

Mindy Nguyen
Title: Assistant Head of School
Role(s): Assistant Principal

Carla Batista
Title: Data Manager
Role(s): Data Manager
Health Representative

Smaylin Reyes
Title: Coordinator, English Learner (EL) Education Program
Role(s): Educational Services Coordinator

Chris Mendez
Title: Technology Coordinator

Souad Cheteyan
Title: School Nurse
Role(s): School Nurse
School(s) in LEA
School Code School Name School Type School Sub Type
61999 LEA Home Instruction Special Education Homebound/Hospitalized
28606 Trinity Academy for the Performing Arts Public School Charter School
61190 Trinity Admin School Public School District Admin